Sunday, September 27, 2009

Coffee Is GOOD For You

The best news of the week
clipped from
Studies: Cup of coffee rich in beneficial antioxidants
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MANILA, Philippines - It is said that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but how about a cup of coffee? As more and more international studies show that a cup of coffee is rich in health-giving antioxidants, somebody may soon come up with a new health proverb about coffee as well.

The Institute of Coffee Studies in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, has found that a cup of coffee is rich in antioxidants — natural substances that slow down the effects of premature aging and may help prevent degenerative diseases.

Polyphenols are plant-based antioxidants which are found in fruits, vegetables, soya beans, red wine, green and black tea, spices like sage and rosemary, citrus fruits, onions and olives and, yes, in coffee as well.

Coffee has most polyphenols

As further studies reveal the health benefits of coffee, coffee drinkers might find themselves not keeping their doctor away, but instead inviting him or her for a cup of coffee.

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