Monday, September 28, 2009

5 Foods That Feed Cholesterol

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Whole milk (© Francis Hammond/Nonstock/Jupiterimages)
Whole-milk dairy products
Saturated fat, which clogs arteries and increases LDL levels, is the No. 1 cholesterol-boosting culprit. And foods like ice cream and cheese
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Bacon (© Amy Neunsinger/Getty Images)
Processed meats
Bacon, sausage, liverwurst and the like are also wonderful sources of artery-clogging saturated fat
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French fries (©Royalty-Free/Corbis/Jupiterimages)
Fast-food fries
Even worse than saturated fats are the dreaded trans fats
Trans fats hit cholesterol with a double whammy—in addition to raising your LDL, they simultaneously lower your HDL
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Tropical oils (© Michael Rosenfeld/Getty Images)
Tropical oils
Palm kernel and coconut oils are two of the fattiest of oils—100 percent of the bad-for-you saturated variety.
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Muffin (© Anthony Lanneretonne/StockFood Creative/Getty Images)
Baked goods
high in saturated fats, thanks to the butter and shortening.
opting more often for low-fat sweets like sorbets.
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