Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ways to Formatting Images for the Internet

in Photo Shop. Click file —> save for web
brings up the panel you see
Screen shot 2010-01-07 at 18.37.02
main controls you want to mess with are the two I circled
One chooses what resolution you want them to be saved as and the other changes the size. 800px wide is a pretty good internet size. Make sure you click apply or else it won’t actually do the resizing
way of resizing my images is by using blog-it templates from The Album Cafe. They are ingenious little templates you very simply open, drag your image into the layers, drag the corner of your image in to resize it and then type ctrl+g to clip it in. It automatically resizes your image to around 800px and finishes it off with an adorable frame perfect for your blog.
Screen shot 2010-01-07 at 19.14.14
 blog it

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