Monday, November 26, 2007

Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know

2nite - Tonight
AEAP - As Early As Possible
ALAP - As Late As Possible
B4YKI - Before You Know It
BRB - Be Right Back
BRT - Be Right There
CWYL - Chat With You Later
C-P - Sleepy
E123 - Easy as 1, 2, 3
EM? - Excuse Me?
EOD - End Of Day
F2F - Face To Face
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
J/C - Just Checking
KOTL - Kiss On The Lips
UR - You Are..?
WFM - Works For Me
WTF - What The F***
MOS - Mom Over Shoulder

MPFB - My Personal F*** Buddy

NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That

NIFOC - Nude In Front Of Computer

NMU - Not Much, You?
P911 - Parent Alert
PAL - Parents Are Listening
PAW - Parents Are Watching
PIR - Parent In Room
POS - Parent Over Shoulder
PRON - Porn
Q2C - Quick To Cum
RU/18 - Are You Over 18?
RUH - Are You Horny?
SorG - Straight or Gay
TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me
WYCM - Will You Call Me?
8 - it refers to oral sex
1337 - it means elite

143 - it means I love you

182 - it means I hate you
420 - it refers to marijuana
ADR or addy - Address
ASL - Age/Sex/Location
banana - it means penis
CD9 - it means Code 9 = parents are around
DUM - Do You Masturbate?

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