Mouro Lighthouse, Spain Kereon Lighthouse in Brittany, France: South Haven Lighthouse – don’t miss the huge icicles on the bridge: Sheboygan Lighthouse on Lake Michigan, clearly weather beaten: Lake Michigan’s Grand Haven lighthouse pounded by the waves: And here, totally frozen over and in a storm – can’t beat this image:
Here’s the Oswego Lighthouse on Lake Ontario in New York state: The lighthouse in Seaham, Durham County, UK being dwarfed by the waves: And another lighthouse in the North Sea getting pounded by waves and 130 km/h winds: The lighthouse in Porthcawl on the South Wales coast getting swallowed by the waves: The photograph that made La Jument in Brittany famous: The lighthouse of Ar-Men in Brittany engulfed by a wave: A fair bit of wave washing at El Malecon, Havannah’s famous seaside walkway: Dramatic - Mouro Lighthouse, Spain: |
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