how a man lost 300 lbs - bicycling
nice story...
1999 Scott Cutshall daughter Chloe was born; at that time, Scott weighed about 300 pounds. He stayed home with the baby while Amy worked 2004 weighed 450 pounds. could walk only 10 steps before needing to rest. Amy would take Chloe to the park and report back via cell phone, sending pictures of her playing in the sun. 2004 hit 501 pounds, and doctors told him he only had months to live so depressed that he tried to kill himse 2005 One day, he saw a man riding a bike, and he was inspired a bike strong enough for a 500-pound 2005-2007 Cutshall was up to 5 miles. Then 10, 20, 30. By spring 2006, he'd lost 80 pounds, and by the end of the year, his weight loss stood at 160. He rode 1,932 miles in that first year. 2008 Cutshall was down to 242 pounds Today Cutshall biked close to 20,000 miles. He rides everywhere When he finishes a ride, he makes sure to pedal one more mile to prove to himself that he can do it. He now weighs about 170 pounds |
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