Enter Rsizr
All of the above methods to create your panorama require that you take multiple overlapping photographs. But it is very likely that in the excitement during a vacation, creating panoramas was the last thing on your mind and you only shot a single image of a great scene. Enter Rsizr.
One of the intelligent things this free website allows you to do is to stretch a single image into a panorama, without distorting any objects in the scene. The flash-based site is very easy to use and lets you stretch and resize JPG, GIF, and PNG files using a technique known as seam carving.
Clevr is a website that allows you to upload your overlapped photos, sort them in order and automatically stitch them together. The site works with your choice of Adobe AIR or Java. Clevr allows you to zoom in, pan, save, and to share your panorama read our in-depth look at Clevr here. allows you to easily create slideshows and panoramas from photos on your computer to stitch your photos automatically, and its viewer lets others ‘look around’ the panorama. Though you need to use Internet Explorer to create, viewers can use any browser/platform to view your panoramas. You can geotag and embed the panoramas in your own website. allows you to stitch panoramas automatically simply extract the files from the zip archive and run AUTOSTITCH.EXE. Though it offers a plethora of options, you do not need to use them by default. Autostitch works only with JPEG files takes a set of overlapping photographs and produces stunning panoramas easily |