Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tropea - Italy

A beautiful place like CInque terre and the beaches of Amalfi ..without the tourists
City of Tropea and the Piccola UniversitĂ  Italiana
n 1993 the Centre was founded as “Caffè Culturale”. In 2004 the name was changed to “Piccola UniversitĂ  Italiana” it has been recognized with  presa d’atto prot 23860/P from 30.11.04 by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The Centre is located in the heart of Tropea in a beautiful house typical of the area. Lessons are held in classrooms or else out on the terrace.
Tropea is a charming medieval town of 7000 inhabitants situated at the neck of the "Boot" at the same latitude as the famous Eolean islands. Italians refer to it affectionately as the "Pearl of Calabria"
The town is built on a rock which rises 42 meters from the sea and every visitor cannot but be charmed by its romantic winding lanes.
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